Yes, I have had my first museum acquisition and I am still super excited! While my world was spinning with personal health issues, the arrival of my first grandchild, moving from my hometown state, city and street of 60 years to over 750 miles away, celebrating the holidays and trying to settle into a new routine... something wonderful happened. As the result of my solo exhibit last summer at The Black Archives of MidAmerica in Kansas City, Missouri, there was a curator interested in my art and the stories they tell.
The curator of Women's and European art at the Spencer Museum of Art, Lawrence, Kansas came to one of my Artist talks and stayed to enjoy the art and ask a few questions. At the end, she expressed an interest in bringing a few pieces back to the museum to present to the Curatorial committee. They asked a bunch of questions, but you can only imagine the joy of opening that email, to hear the final decision had been unanimous... they wanted to add "In the Spotlight" to their permanent collection of Women's work! Why "In The Spotlight" vs one of the other 11 pieces? I have no clue, but maybe, just maybe, the fact that it is only one of two males damcers in my collection of work, and the only one in the exhibit, "Inner Glory".
Here judge yourself...

Year made: 2011
Size: 31" x 28"
Materials: Commercial cotton fabric, cotton batting, cotton and metallic thread, beads, and yarns.
Technique: machine appliqué, machine free motion quilting, hand embellishments
Tags: #inthespotlight #innerglory #spencermusuemofart #blackarchivesofmidamerica #fiberart #fiber #quilting #quilts #quilt #wallhanging #originalart #originalartwork #quiltedartistry #quiltedartistrybyrenee #ranunculas #art
I love the movement in this design. I can almost hear the drums.
Deservedly so! This is a beautiful piece!
Congratulations! Saw this on the BGQP page of Facebook.
My daughter is a dancer/performance artist specializing in West African and Haitian dance in Durham, NC. This piece reminds me of her work. I live just outside Boston, in Cambridge MA. Love it.
This is so beautiful.